Monday, March 24, 2025

One week

 Momma cat has been renamed Ambrosia. Since the kittens were born on the 15th it lead to Ceasar then salads. Mom still isn't sure a out genders (though thinking right now 4 boys and 1 girl). 

Ambrosia is being a great mom. The kittens all weighed over 230 grams each on Sunday morning. An online weight chart says 1-2 weeks is 150-250 grams. So we have some overachievers. Ambrosia is still a little weird about some things: she hissed at mom when she was cleaning the litter box and also while filling the water dish. 

A friend came over Sunday and all the kittens were loved on as well as Ambrosia (and she was fine with the kittens being handled). All but one still hiss at everything and a couple are spitters. 


We got a few things delivered so Buttons got a new box...until Boba stole it.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Tis the season

 Mom loves the rescue where she volunteers but felt like since they have several fosters and do limited intake, she could offer our foster services to another group as well. 

Her application was accepted and guess what?

We have kittens!! Momma cat was named Socks by the lady who found her. She gave birth on Saturday to 5 kittens. 2 tabby, 2 black and white, and 1 tuxedo. No idea on is gonna need a couple weeks on that.

Right now momma is decompressing. We have a couple of cameras set up so we can check on everyone. 

Monday, February 24, 2025


 We've been seeing a couple of cats around over the last year. Mom fed a grey and white this summer but then didn't see him (or her) again. Well with the miserably cold weather here the last month, mom's been putting out food and leaving the garage door up a crack. 

Saturday morning she went down to the garage and there he was but got startled and ran. But she went out last night and he was in the hut mom bought years ago for Allie. 

He didn't leave so mom got pretty close and he even sniffed her finger. When she got home he was still in the hut and didn't seem bothered by her or the car. 

He was gone Sunday afternoon but mom set up the crate with a blanket and food and water to see if he will use that. 

Mom is going to reach out to the shelter and see if they can take him if he's friendly. If not the plan is to get him vet checked and neutered at least.